Effective decision-making and community engagement require a well-designed DAO proposal process. Proposals should have clear objectives and be easy to understand to ensure successful outcomes. They should also include an evaluation process that allows stakeholders to give feedback. Finally, the proposal should have a clear implementation timeline.
- Create a straightforward process for submitting proposals to the DAO. Decide what information, documents, and formatting are required from proposers. An example is a standardized proposal template, project details, a timeline, a budget, and an expected outcome. Also, could you define who can submit proposals and if necessary, put the proposal process behind a sign-in/login process?
- They are creating a proposal review and evaluation mechanism. Each proposal can be assessed for feasibility, alignment with DAO objectives, and potential impact by a designated individual or committee. Ensure diverse perspectives are included in the evaluation by incorporating subject matter experts or community members.
- Community feedback. Provide an opportunity for open discussion and feedback on proposals to promote community engagement. Encourage community members to ask questions, seek clarification, and voice their opinions. A dedicated community channel, a chat platform, or a forum can facilitate this. It can be as simple as a Slack Channel, Discord Server, or an inbuilt forum system for the DAO.
- Voting.Could you decide which proposal will be adopted through a voting process? Voting mechanisms, including the voting period, voting weight, and approval thresholds, must be defined. For fairness and verification, consider using secure and transparent voting mechanisms like blockchains or the AWS QLDB.
- Communication of voting results. Voting results should be shared, including the number of votes cast, the distribution of votes, and the final decision on each proposal. DAO decisions are communicated to the community to build trust and keep them informed.
- Implementation and execution. When a proposal is approved, it should be implemented and executed according to a clearly defined plan. Requirements, timelines, and resources should be clearly defined in the proposal. Could you provide regular updates on progress to the community by assigning project managers or relevant teams, if needed (Infrastructure token type of vote)?
- Post-proposal evaluation. An evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of executed proposals should be conducted after they are completed. Identify improvement areas in future proposal processes based on evaluating outcomes and learning from successes and failures.
- Iterative improvement. Enhance the proposal process continuously based on feedback from the community and evolving needs. Ensure the process is efficient, transparent, and inclusive by incorporating lessons from previous proposals.
Remember that the specific details and steps of the proposal process may vary depending on the nature of the DAO, its governance structure, and community preferences. I’d like you to please seek input from the community to ensure the proposal process remains effective and aligned with the DAO’s objectives.