Problem Solving Skills for Humans in the Age of AI

    I think I have my critical thinking course now.

    Course Description

    This course is designed to enhance problem-solving skills at the advanced level for people who are working with Decision Support Systems, AI or Data as part of a project or a team. Through a combination of theoretical frameworks, case studies, and practical exercises, students will develop critical thinking abilities, analytical reasoning, and effective problem-solving strategies. The course will cover various problem-solving techniques, including quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, creative problem solving, decision-making models, and collaborative problem solving. Students will also explore real-world problem-solving challenges relevant to their academic disciplines.

    Quick Course Design

    Module 1: Introduction to Advanced Problem Solving

    Understanding the importance of advanced problem solving in academic and professional contexts

    Exploring different problem-solving approaches and their applications

    Developing a problem-solving mindset and overcoming cognitive biases

    Essential Skills that Humans need to stay competitive in the age of AI

    Module 2: Quantitative Analysis for Problem Solving

    Applying statistical analysis and data interpretation techniques to solve complex problems

    Utilizing mathematical modeling and optimization methods in problem solving

    Case studies and hands-on exercises in applying quantitative analysis to real-world problems

    Module 3: Qualitative Analysis and Critical Thinking

    Utilizing qualitative research methods to analyze complex problems and gather insights

    Enhancing critical thinking skills through logical reasoning and argumentation

    Examining case studies and conducting qualitative analyses

    Module 4: Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making

    Exploring creative problem-solving techniques and tools

    Enhancing divergent thinking and ideation for innovative problem solving

    Evaluating decision-making models and strategies for effective problem resolution

    Module 5: Collaborative Problem Solving and Application

    Understanding the importance of collaboration in complex problem solving

    Developing effective teamwork and communication skills in problem-solving scenarios

    Applying problem-solving skills to real-world challenges within students’ academic disciplines

    Applying problem-solving skills to real-world challenges within students’ career

    Assessment Methods:

    Individual and group problem-solving exercises

    Case study analysis and presentations

    Written reflections and critical analysis of problem-solving approaches

    Final project or research paper demonstrating advanced problem-solving skills

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