Problem Solving Skills for Humans in the Age of AI
I think I have my critical thinking course now. Course Description This course is designed to enhance problem-solving...
How do we teach problem solving?
Interesting 48 hours in a lifetime. From K-12 through bachelor’s I am a lot more lenient when it...
Jamstack Advantages
I’ve started a course on building with JAMstack and noted some really clear advantages to using the technology....
Blackmail and Bitcoin
So I actually find this kind of funny but got my first blackmail attempt with a request for...
Cloud Network Service Comparison
AWS, Azure and Google, all have similar or same services but how they work, and some of the...
4th Gen Education 8 Month Check In
Some of you know I’ve been running my own company now for about 8 months. Click here if...
It’s gambling not crypto – Regulating Cryptocurrency Markets
The focus seems to be on unbacked crypto assets, but unfortunately that includes Bitcoin and Ethereum the two...
A comparison of China and Florida’s education reform
I’m probably alone in this viewpoint, but there are a lot of similarities between what happened during the...
LinkedIn being used for Cheating?
Surprisingly, I got a really interesting e-mail from a LinkedIn Member wanting to know if I wanted someone...
Google Vault – Discovery process
A powerful tool like Google Vault can allow organizations to manage their data more efficiently. It allows users...