Japan does not protect copyright when it comes to AI training
This changes things, and will probably elevate the argument to the WIPO. Takashi Kii had an opportunity to...
Problem Solving Skills for Humans in the Age of AI
I think I have my critical thinking course now. Course Description This course is designed to enhance problem-solving...
How do we teach problem solving?
Interesting 48 hours in a lifetime. From K-12 through bachelor’s I am a lot more lenient when it...
Jamstack Advantages
I’ve started a course on building with JAMstack and noted some really clear advantages to using the technology....
Blackmail and Bitcoin
So I actually find this kind of funny but got my first blackmail attempt with a request for...
Cloud Network Service Comparison
AWS, Azure and Google, all have similar or same services but how they work, and some of the...
4th Gen Education 8 Month Check In
Some of you know I’ve been running my own company now for about 8 months. Click here if...
It’s gambling not crypto – Regulating Cryptocurrency Markets
The focus seems to be on unbacked crypto assets, but unfortunately that includes Bitcoin and Ethereum the two...
A comparison of China and Florida’s education reform
I’m probably alone in this viewpoint, but there are a lot of similarities between what happened during the...
LinkedIn being used for Cheating?
Surprisingly, I got a really interesting e-mail from a LinkedIn Member wanting to know if I wanted someone...